Quick edit form(mobile version) |
Protected B when completed |
Part C – Prince Edward Island tax (continued) |
Amount from line 67 of the previous page |
74 |
Basic reduction |
Claim $350 |
63370 |
75 |
Age reduction for self (if you were born in 1959 or earlier) |
Claim $250 |
63380 |
+ |
76 |
Reduction for spouse or common-law partner (if you had |
a spouse or common-law partner on December 31, 2024) |
Claim $350 |
63390 |
+ |
77 |
Age reduction for spouse or common-law partner |
(if they were born in 1959 or earlier) |
Claim $250 |
63400 |
+ |
78 |
Reduction for an eligible dependant claimed on line 58160 |
Claim $350 |
63410 |
+ |
79 |
Reduction for dependent children born in 2006 or later: |
Number of dependent children |
(do not include a child claimed on line 63410) |
60999 |
x $300 = |
+ |
80 |
Add lines 75 to 80. |
= |
81 |
Adjusted family income: |
Amount from line 73 of the previous page |
82 |
Base amount |
– |
83 |
Line 82 minus line 83 (if negative, enter "0") |
= |
84 |
Applicable rate |
x 5% |
85 |
Line 84 multiplied by the percentage from line 85 |
= |
► |
– |
86 |
Line 81 minus line 86 |
Prince Edward Island low-income |
(if negative, enter "0") |
tax reduction |
= |
► |
– |
87 |
Line 74 minus line 87 (if negative, enter "0") |
= |
88 |
Provincial foreign tax credit (complete Form T2036) |
– |
89 |
Line 88 minus line 89 (if negative, enter "0") |
= |
90 |
Prince Edward Island political contributions made in 2024 |
63420 |
91 |
Prince Edward Island political contribution tax credit (use Worksheet PE428) |
(maximum $500) |
– |
92 |
Line 90 minus line 92 (if negative, enter "0") |
= |
93 |
Equity tax credit: |
Equity tax credit from Certificate PE-ETC |
63500 |
94 |
Unused Prince Edward Island equity tax credit from your |
most recent notice of assessment or reassessment |
+ |
95 |
Line 94 plus line 95 |
(maximum $7,000) |
= |
► |
– |
96 |
Line 93 minus line 96 (if negative, enter "0") |
Enter this amount on line 42800 of your return. |
Prince Edward Island tax |
= |
97 |
Part D – Prince Edward Island tax credits |
Prince Edward Island volunteer firefighter and volunteer search and rescue personnel tax credit |
Enter this amount on line 47900 of your return. |
Claim $1,000 |
63510 |
98 |
Unused low-income tax reduction that your spouse or common-law partner can claim |
Amount from line 87 above |
99 |
Amount from line 65 of the previous page |
– |
100 |
Line 99 minus line 100 (if negative, enter "0") |
Unused amount |
= |
101 |
See the privacy notice on your return. |
5002-C E (24) |
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