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Canada Revenue
Agence du revenu
du Canada
Protected B when completed
Calculation of Capital Gains Deduction for 2023
Part 1 – Calculating your annual gains limit for 2023
  Total of lines 10700, 11000, and 12400 of Schedule 3
  (if the amount is a loss, show it in brackets)   1  
  Total of lines 7 and 11 of Form T2017  
  (if the amount is a loss, show it in brackets)   + 2  
  Total net capital gains (or losses):  
  Line 1 plus line 2 (if the amount is a loss, show it in brackets)   = 3  
  Total taxable capital gains (or losses):    
  Amount from line 3  x 1/2   = 4  
  Total taxable capital gains or net capital losses from line 19900 of  
  Schedule 3 (if the amount is a loss, show it in brackets)   5  
  Amount from line 17600 on Schedule 3  
  (if negative, enter "0")  x 1/2   6  
  Line 5 minus line 6   = 7  
  2023 eligible taxable capital gains
Enter the amount from line 4 or 7, whichever is less;
  if line 8 is zero, you cannot claim a capital gains deduction for 2023   8
  Net capital losses of other years deducted in 2023
  (line 25300 of your 2023 return)   9  
  Net capital losses of other years applied against net  
  non-eligible taxable capital gains in 2023  
  (line 9 of Chart A of Form T936 for 2023)   10  
  Net capital losses of other years:  
  Line 9 minus line 10 (if negative, enter "0")   = 11  
  Allowable business investment losses (line 21700 of your 2023 return)   + 12  
  Line 11 plus line 12   = 13
  Line 8 minus line 13 (if negative, enter "0") Annual gains limit for 2023   = 14
  If line 14 is zero, do not complete the rest of this form, because you cannot claim a capital gains deduction for 2023.
T657 E (23) (Ce formulaire est disponible en français.) Canada Logo

Protected B when completed
Part 2 – Calculating your cumulative gains limit for 2023
  Total taxable capital gains reported after 1984 and before 1992
  (line 127 of your returns for these years). Do not include reserves reported
  on property disposed of before 1985.   15  
  1992 and 1993 eligible taxable capital gains  
  (line 3 in Part 1 of Form T657 or Form T657A for 1992 and 1993)   + 16  
  1994 eligible taxable capital gains  
  (line 5 in Part 1 of Form T657 or T657A for 1994)   + 17  
  1995 eligible taxable capital gains  
  (line 7 in Part 1 of Form T657 or line 3 of Form T657A for 1995)   + 18  
  1996 to 1999 eligible taxable capital gains  
  (line 8 in Part 1 of Form T657 for those years)   + 19  
  2000 eligible taxable capital gains (line 7 in Part 1 of Form T657 for 2000)   + 20  
  2001 eligible taxable capital gains (line 8 in Part 1 of Form T657 for 2001)   + 21  
  2002 to 2023 eligible taxable capital gains (line 10 in Part 1 of Form T657  
  for 2002 to 2017 or line 8 in Part 1 of Form T657 for 2018 and later years)   + 22  
  Total of lines 15 to 22 Cumulative eligible taxable capital gains   = 23
  Allowable capital losses claimed in 1985
(amount shown in brackets on line 127 of your 1985 return;
  maximum of $2,000)   24  
  Total allowable business investment losses claimed after 1984 and
before 2023 (line 217 on your returns for 1985 to 2018 and line 21700 on
  your returns for 2019 and later years)   + 25  
  Total net capital losses of other years claimed after 1984 and before 2023  
  (enter the total of amounts in column G of Chart 1 on the last page)   + 26  
  Total losses used to calculate your annual gains limit for 2023  
  (from line 13 of Part 1 above)   + 27  
  Cumulative net investment loss to December 31, 2023  
  (line C in Part 3 of Form T936 for 2023)   + 28  
  Total capital gains deductions claimed after 1984 and before 2023
(line 254 on your returns for 1985 to 2018 and line 25400 of your returns
  for 2019 and later years)   + 29  
  Total of lines 24 to 29   = 30
  Line 23 minus line 30 (if negative, enter "0") Cumulative gains limit for 2023   = 31
  If line 31 is zero, do not complete the rest of this form, because you cannot claim a capital gains deduction for 2023.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
Answer the questions below by ticking the corresponding Yes or No box.
If you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified small business corporation shares (QSBCS)
in 2023, and you are not reporting a reserve claimed in a previous year, begin at Part 3o.
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm property (QFP), qualified
 fishing property (QXP), or QSBCS to your child in 2013? Yes  No Part 3a 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS to your child in 2014? Yes  No Part 3b 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS to your child in 2015? Yes  No Part 3c 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP to your child after April 20, 2015  
and before 2016? Yes  No Part 3d 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS to your child in 2016? Yes  No Part 3e 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP to your child in 2016? Yes  No Part 3f 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBC to your child in 2017? Yes  No Part 3g 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP to your child in 2017? Yes  No Part 3h 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2022 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS to your child in 2018? Yes  No Part 3i 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP to your child in 2018? Yes  No Part 3j 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS in 2019? Yes  No Part 3k 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP in 2019? Yes  No Part 3l 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS in 2020? Yes  No Part 3m 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP in 2020? Yes  No Part 3n 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2022 on dispositions of QFFP or QSBCS in 2021? Yes  No Part 3o 
Are you reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of QFFP in 2021? Yes  No Part 3p 
Did you dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2022? Yes  No Part 3q 
Did you dispose of QFFP in 2023? Yes  No Part 3r 
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3a – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) to your child in 2014.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
  in 2014   32  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years  
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note A below)   33  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
in 2014 included in your 2023 income (line 32 minus line 33; if negative,
  enter "0") = 34
  Line 3 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 1 below)   35  
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,  
  enter in brackets. (see note 2 below)   + 36  
  Line 35 plus line 36. Taxable capital gains from a
reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
in 2014 included in your 2023 income
  (if negative, enter "0")   = x 1/2 37
  Enter the amount from line 34 or 37, whichever is less.   38
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023 and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition
after 2014, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14 from Part 1, 31 from Part 2, and 38. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note A
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2014 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 33 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2014 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed from 2014 to 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2014 to 2021, minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2014 to the year the other gains are reported
(if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 33.
  Note 1
  If line 3 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2014, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
  Note 2
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QSBCS in any year other than 2014, remove that part
from the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3b – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) to your child in 2015.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2015 39  
  Capital gains deductions claimed from previous years  
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note B below)   40  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2015 included in your 2023 income (line 39 minus line 40; if negative,
  enter "0") (see note 3 below)   = 41
  Line 7 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 4 below)   42  
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enterin brackets. (see note 5 below)   + 43  
  Line 42 plus line 43. Taxable capital gains from a
reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2015
  included in your 2023 income (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   44
  Enter the amount from line 41 or 44, whichever is less. 45
  Enter the amount from line 38 of Part 3a. If you did not complete Part 3a, enter "0".   + 46
  Line 45 plus line 46. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction = 47
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from the disposition of QFFP after April 20, 2015, and before 2016, and each of line 14,
line 31, and line 47 is greater than or equal to line 41, complete Part 3c.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 from the disposition of QFFP after April 20, 2015, and before 2016, not bringing a
reserve into 2023 income for any disposition of QFFP or QSBCS after 2015, and not disposing of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023, the
maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount
  of lines 14, 31, and 47. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum. 25400  
  Note B
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2015 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 40 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2015 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed, from 2015 to 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2015 to 2022, minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2015 to the year the other gains are reported
(if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 40.
  Note 3
  You must also subtract from line 39 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a.
  Note 4
  If line 7 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2015, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
  Note 5
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QSBCS in any year other than 2015, remove that part
from the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3c – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) to your child after
April 20, 2015, and before 2016
  each of lines 14, 31, and 47 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 41 of Part 3b
  For this period, there is an additional $93,200 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative
capital gains deduction of $406,800 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of after
  April 20, 2015, and before 2016   48  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note C below)   49  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of after
April 20, 2015, and before 2016 included in your 2023 income
  (line 48 minus line 49; if negative, enter "0") (see note 6 below)   = 50
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 7 below)     x 1/2   51
  Enter the amount from line 50 or 51, whichever is less.   52
  Enter the amount from line 47 of Part 3b.   + 53
  Line 52 plus line 53   = 54
  Enter the amount from line 51 or 54, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included in
  your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   55
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023, and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition
after 2015, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 55. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note C
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts after April 20, 2015, to 2022. If so,
use the amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form
(line 49 of this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2016 Form T657 that only includes amounts claimed before April 21, 2015, plus the
amount of all capital gains deductions you have already claimed after April 20, 2015, and before 2016 in respect of this
reserve. Also, add to this amount the capital gains deductions you claimed after December 31, 2015, to 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) after April 20, 2015, to 2022, minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2015 to the year the other gains are reported
(if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 49.
  Note 6
  You must also subtract from line 48 above, the amount from line 47 of Part 3b.
  Note 7
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2015, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3d – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property, and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) to your child in 2016.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2016   56  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years  
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note D below)   57  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2016 included in your 2023 income (line 56 minus line 57; if negative,
  enter "0") (see note 8 below)   = 58
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 9 below)   59  
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 10 below)   + 60  
  Line 59 plus line 60. Taxable capital gains from a
reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
  2016 included in your 2023 income (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   61
  Enter the amount from line 58 or 61, whichever is less.   62
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, and 55.
  If you did not complete Part 3a, 3b, or 3c enter "0".   + 63
  Add lines 62 and 63. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible for  
  the capital gains deduction.   = 64
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from the disposition of QFFP in 2016 and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from Part 2,
and line 64 is greater than or equal to line 58, complete Part 3e.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2016, you did not dispose of QFFP or
QSBCS in 2023, and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition after 2016, the maximum capital
gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31,
and 64. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note D
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2016 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 57 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2016 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed from 2016 to 2022, for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2016 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2016 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 57.
  Note 8
  You must also subtract from line 56 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, and line 55 of Part 3c.
  Note 9
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP in any year other than 2016,
remove that part from the amount you enter here.
  Note 10
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS in any year other than 2016, remove that
part from the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3e – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) to your child in 2016
  each of lines 14, 31, and 64 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 58 of Part 3d
  For 2016, there is an additional $87,912 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative capital
gains deduction of $412,088 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified small
business corporation shares.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2016   65  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note E below)   66  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2016 included
in your 2023 income (line 65 minus line 66; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 11 below)   = 67
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 12 below)     x 1/2   68
  Enter the amount from line 67 or 68, whichever is less.   69
  Enter the amount from line 64 of Part 3d.   + 70
  Line 69 plus line 70   = 71
  Enter the amount from line 68 or 71, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included in
  your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   72
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023 and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition
after 2016, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 72. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note E
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2016 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 66 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2016 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed from 2016 to 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2016 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2016 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 66.
  Note 11
  You must also subtract from line 65 above, the amount from line 64 of Part 3d.
  Note 12
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2016, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3f – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) to your child in 2017.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2017   73  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note F below)   74  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2017 included in your 2023 income
  (line 73 minus line 74; if negative, enter "0") (see note 13 below)   = 75
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 14 below)   76
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 15 below)   + 77
  Line 76 plus line 77. Taxable capital gains from a
reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2017
  included in your 2023 income (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   78
  Enter the amount from line 75 or 78, whichever is less.   79
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, and 72. If you did not
  complete Part 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, or 3e, enter "0". + 80
  Add lines 79 and 80. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible for  
  the capital gains deduction. = 81
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2017 and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from
Part 2, and line 81 is greater than or equal to line 75, complete Part 3g.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2017, you did not dispose of QFFP or
QSBCS in 2023, and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income from any disposition after 2017, the maximum capital
gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of
lines 14, 31, and 81. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note F
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2017 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 74 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2017 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2017 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2017 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 74.
  Note 13
  You must also subtract from line 73 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, and line 72 of Part 3e.
  Note 14
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP in any year other than 2017,
remove that part from the amount you enter here.
  Note 15
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS in any year other than 2017, remove that
part from the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3g – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) to your child in 2017
  each of lines 14, 31, and 81 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 75 of Part 3f
  For 2017, there is an additional $82,142 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative
capital gains deduction of $417,858 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2017   82  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note G below)   83  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2017 included
in your 2023 income (line 82 minus line 83; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 16 below)   = 84
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 17 below)     x 1/2   85
  Enter the amount from line 84 or 85, whichever is less.   86
  Enter the amount from line 81 of Part 3f.   + 87
  Line 86 plus line 87   = 88
  Enter the amount from line 85 or 88, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included in
  your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   89
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023 and are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition
after 2017, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 89. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note G
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2017 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 83 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2017 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2017 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2017 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 83.
  Note 16
  You must also subtract from line 82 above, the amount from line 81 of Part 3f.
  Note 17
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2017, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3h – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) to your child in 2018.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2018   90  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years  
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note H below)   91  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed
of in 2018 included in your 2023 income
  (line 90 minus line 91; if negative, enter "0") (see note 18 below)   = 92
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 19 below)   93  
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 20 below)   + 94  
  Line 93 plus line 94. Taxable capital gains from
a reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
  2018 included in your 2023 income (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   95
  Enter the amount from line 92 or 95, whichever is less.   96
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81 and 89. If you did
  not complete Part 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, or 3g enter "0".   + 97
  Add lines 96 and 97. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible for  
  the capital gains deduction.   = 98
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2018 and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from
Part 2, and line 98 is greater than or equal to line 92, complete Part 3i.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2018, you did not dispose of QFFP or
QSBCS in 2023, and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income from any disposition after 2018, the maximum capital
gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31,
and 98. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note H
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2018 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 91 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2018 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2018 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2018 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 91.
  Note 18
  You must also subtract from line 90 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f and line 89 of Part 3g.
  Note 19
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP in any year other than 2018,
remove that part from the amount you enter here.
  Note 20
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS in any year other than 2018, remove that
part from the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3i – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) to your child in 2018
  each of lines 14, 31, and 98 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 92 of Part 3h
  For 2018, there is an additional $75,874 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative
capital gains deduction of $424,126 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2018   99  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note I below)   100  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2018 included
in your 2023 income (line 99 minus line 100; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 21 below)   = 101
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 22 below)     x 1/2   102
  Enter the amount from line 101 or 102, whichever is less.   103
  Enter the amount from line 98 of Part 3h.   + 104
  Line 103 plus line 104   = 105
  Enter the amount from line 102 or 105, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included
  in your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   106
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023 and you are not bringing a reserve into 2023 income for any disposition after
2018, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 106. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note I
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2018 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 100 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2018 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2018 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2018 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 100.
  Note 21
  You must also subtract from line 99 above, the amount from line 98 of Part 3h.
  Note 22
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2018, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3j – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) in 2019.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2019   107  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)(See note J below)   108  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2019 included in your 2023 income (line 107 minus line 108; if negative,
  enter "0") (see note 23 below)   = 109
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 24 below)   110
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 25 below)   + 111
  Line 110 plus line 111. Taxable capital gains from
a reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2019 included in your 2023 income
  (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   112
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QSBCS/QFFP in 2019 included in your 2023 income   + 113
  Line 112 plus line 113 = 114
  Enter the amount from line 109 or 114, whichever is less.   115
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81, 89, 98 and 106. If
  you did not complete Part 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e, 3f, 3g, 3h, or 3i, enter "0".   + 116
  Add lines 115 and 116. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction.   = 117
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2019, and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from Part 2,
and line 117 is greater than or equal to line 109, complete Part 3k.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2019 and did not dispose of QFFP or
QSBCS in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return
is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 117. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note J
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2019 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 108 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2019 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2019 to 2022 minus the maximum
capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2019 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 108.
  Note 23
  You must also subtract from line 107 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f, line 89 of Part 3g, line 98 of Part 3h, and
line 106 of Part 3i.
  Note 24
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP in any year other than 2019,
remove that part from the amount you enter here.
  Note 25
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS in any year other than 2019, remove that
part from the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3k – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) in 2019
  each of lines 14, 31, and 117 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 109 of Part 3j
  For 2019, there is an additional $66,544 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative
capital gains deduction of $433,456 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2019   118  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)(see note K below)   119  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2019 included
in your 2023 income (line 118 minus line 119; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 26 below)   = 120
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 27 below)     x 1/2   121
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QFFP in 2019 included in your 2023 income   + 122
  Line 121 plus line 122 = 123
  Enter the amount from line 120 or 123, whichever is less.   124
  Enter the amount from line 117 of Part 3j.   + 125
  Line 124 plus line 125   = 126
  Enter the amount from line 123 or 126, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included
  in your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   127
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023 , the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your
2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 127. You can, however, choose to claim less than
the maximum.
  Note K
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2019 to 2022. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 119 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2019 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2022 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2019 to 2022 minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2019 to 2022 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 119.
  Note 26
  You must also subtract from line 118 above, the amount from line 117 of Part 3j.
  Note 27
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2019, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.

Protected B when completed
  Part 3l – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you are reporting a reserve in 2023 on dispositions of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified
small business corporation shares (QSBCS) in 2020.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in 2020   128  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note L below)   129  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
in 2020 and included in your 2023 income (line 128 minus line 129; if
  negative, enter "0")(see note 28 below)   = 130
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 29 below)   +  A
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 30 below)   +  B
  Amount A plus amount B, Taxable capital gains
from a reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed
of in 2020 included in your 2023 income
  (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   131
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QSBCS/QFFP in 2020 included in your 2023 income   + 132
  Line 131 plus line 132 = 133
  Enter the amount from line 130 or 133, whichever is less.   134
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81, 89, 98, 106, 117
  and 127. If you did not complete parts 3a to 3k, enter "0".   + 135
  Line 134 plus line 135. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction.   = 136
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2020, and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from
Part 2, and line 136 is greater than or equal to line 130, complete Part 3m.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2020 and did not dispose of QFFP or
QSBCS in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return
is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 136. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note L
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2020 to 2023.
If so, use the amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2
of this T657 form (line 129 of this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2020 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you
have already claimed in 2023 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2020 to 2023 minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2020 to 2023 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 129.
  Note 28
  You must also subtract from line 128 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of Part
3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f, line 89 of Part 3g, line 98 of Part 3h, line 106 of
Part 3i, line 117 of Part 3j, and line 127 of Part 3k.
  Note 29
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP in any year other than 2020,
remove that part from the amount you enter here.
  Note 30
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS in any year other than 2020, remove that
part from the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3m – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) in 2020
  each of lines 14, 31, and 136 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 130 of Part 3l
  For 2020, there is an additional $58,308 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative capital
gains deduction of $441,692 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified small
business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2020   137  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note M below)   138  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2020 included
in your 2023 income (line 137 minus line 138; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 31 below)   = 139
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 32 below)   +   x 1/2   140
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QFFP in 2020 included in your 2023 income   + 141
  Line 140 plus line 141 = 142
  Enter the amount from line 139 or 142, whichever is less.   143
  Enter the amount from line 136 of Part 3l.   + 144
  Line 143 plus line 144   = 145
  Enter the amount from line 142 or 145, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included
  in your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   146
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of
your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 146. You can, however, choose to claim less
than the maximum.
  Note M
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2020 to 2023. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 138 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2020 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2023 for this reserve
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2020 to 2023 minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2020 to 2023 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 138.
  Note 32
  You must also subtract from line 137 above, the amount from line 136 of Part 3l.
  Note 33
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2020, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3n – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified small business corporation shares
(QSBCS) in 2021.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
  in 2021   147  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note N below)   148  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2021 and included in your 2023 income (line 147 minus line 148; if
  negative, enter "0")(see note 33 below)   = 149
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 34 below)   +  A
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 35 below)   +  B
  Amount A plus amount B, Taxable capital gains
from a reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed
of in 2021 included in your 2023 income
  (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   150
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QSBCS/QFFP in 2021 included in your 2023 income   + 151
  Line 150 plus line 151 = 152
  Enter the amount from line 149 or 152, whichever is less.   153
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81, 89, 98, 106, 117,
  127, 136 and 146.   + 154
  Line 153 plus line 154. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction.   = 155
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2021, and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from Part 2,
and line 155 is greater than or equal to line 149, complete Part 3o.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2021 and did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS
in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 155. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum
  Note N
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2021 to 2023.
If so, use the amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2
of this T657 form (line 148 of this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2021 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you
have already claimed in 2023 for this reserve.
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2021 to 2023 minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2021 to 2023 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 148.
  Note 33
  You must also subtract from line 147 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f, line 89 of Part 3g, line 98 of Part 3h, line 106
of Part 3i, line 117 of Part 3j, line 127 of Part 3k, line 136 of Part 3l, and line 146 of Part 3m.
  Note 34
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP before 2021, remove that part
from the amount you enter here.
  Note 35
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS before 2021, remove that part from the
amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3o – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) in 2021
  each of lines 14, 31, and 155 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 149 of Part 3n
  For 2021, there is an additional $53,891 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative capital
gains deduction of $446,109 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified small
business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2021   156  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page) (see note O below)   157  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2021 included
in your 2023 income (line 156 minus line 157; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 36 below)   = 158
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 37 below)   +   x 1/2   159
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QFFP in 2021 included in your 2023 income   + 160
  Line 159 plus line 160 = 161
  Enter the amount from line 158 or 161, whichever is less.   162
  Enter the amount from line 155 of Part 3n.   + 163
  Line 162 plus line 163   = 164
  Enter the amount from line 161 or 164, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included
  in your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   165
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your
2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 165. You can, however, choose to claim less than
the maximum.
  Note O
  You may have claimed a capital gains deduction for other eligible capital gains amounts from 2021 to 2023. If so, use the
amount you calculate with the following instructions instead of the amount on line k of Chart 2 of this T657 form (line 157 of
this page).
  Calculate amount A:
  The amount from line k of Chart 2 of your 2021 Form T657 plus the amount of all capital gains deductions you have already
claimed in 2023 for this reserve
  Calculate amount B:
  The amount of capital gains deductions you claimed for other gains (not the reserve) from 2021 to 2023 minus the
maximum capital gains exemption increase allowed for other gains from 2021 to 2023 (if negative, use "0").
  After you calculate amounts A and B, add them and enter the result on line 157.
  Note 36
  You must also subtract from line 156 above, the amount from line 155 of Part 3n.
  Note 37
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2021, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3p – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified small business corporation shares
(QSBCS) in 2022.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
  in 2022   166  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)   167  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of in
2022 and included in your 2023 income (line 166 minus line 167; if
  negative, enter "0") (see note 38 below)   = 168
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 39 below)   +  A
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 40 below)   +  B
  Amount A plus amount B, Taxable capital gains
from a reserve on QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed
of in 2022 included in your 2023 income
  (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   169
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QSBCS/QFFP in 2022 included in your 2023 income   + 170
  Line 169 plus line 170 = 171
  Enter the amount from line 168 or 171, whichever is less.   172
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81, 89, 98, 106, 117,
  127, 136, 146,155, and 165.   + 173
  Line 172 plus line 173. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction.   = 174
  If you are reporting a reserve in 2023 from a disposition of QFFP in 2022, and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from Part 2,
and line 174 is greater than or equal to line 168, complete Part 3q.
  If you are not reporting a reserve in 2023 income from the disposition of QFFP in 2022 and did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS
in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the
lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 174. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum
  Note 38
  You must also subtract from line 166 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of Part
3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f, line 89 of Part 3g, line 98 of Part 3h, line 106 of
Part 3i, line 117 of Part 3j, line 127 of Part 3k, line 136 of Part 3l, line 146 of Part 3m, line 155 of Part 3n and line 165
of Part 3o.
  Note 39
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP before 2022, remove that part
from the amount you enter here.
  Note 40
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS before 2022, remove that part from the
amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3q – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) in 2022
  each of lines 14, 31, and 174 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 168 of Part 3p
  For 2022, there is an additional $43,185 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative capital
gains deduction of $456,815 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified small
business corporation shares (QSBCS). 
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2022   175  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)   176  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2022 included
in your 2023 income (line 175 minus line 176; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 41 below)   = 177
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 42 below)   +   x 1/2   178
  Designations of taxable capital gains distributed by a trust from reporting a reserve from the  
  disposition of QFFP in 2022 included in your 2023 income   + 179
  Line 178 plus line 179 = 180
  Enter the amount from line 177 or 180, whichever is less.   181
  Enter the amount from line 174 of Part 3p.   + 182
  Line 181 plus line 182.   = 183
  Enter the amount from line 180 or 183, whichever is less. Total amount of capital gains included
  in your 2023 income that is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   184
  If you did not dispose of QFFP or QSBCS in 2023, the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your
2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 184. You can, however, choose to claim less than
the maximum.
  Note 41
  You must also subtract from line 175 above, the amount from line 174 of Part 3p.
  Note 42
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2022, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3r – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property and qualified small business corporation shares
  Complete this part if you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) or qualified small business corporation shares
(QSBCS) in 2023.
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP and/or QSBCS disposed of
  in 2023   185  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)   186  
  Capital gains deduction available for dispositions of QFFP and/or QSBCS  
  (line 185 minus line 186; if negative, enter "0") (see note 43 below)   = 187
  Taxable capital gains arising from dispositions in 2023 of QFFP and/or QSBCS included in your 2023 income:
  Line 10700 of Schedule 3    
  Line 11000 of Schedule 3   +  
  Line 12400 of Schedule 3   +  
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 44 below)   +  
  Line 11 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 45 below)   +  
  Total (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   188
  Enter the amount from line 187 or 188, whichever is less.   189
  Enter the amount from the last line you completed of lines 38, 47, 55, 64, 72, 81, 89, 98, 106, 117,
  127, 136, 146, 155, 165, 174 and 184.   + 190
  Line 189 plus line 190. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that is eligible  
  for the capital gains deduction.   = 191
  If you disposed of QFFP in 2023, and each of line 14 from Part 1, line 31 from Part 2, and line 191 is greater than or equal to
line 187, complete Part 3s.
  If you did not dispose of QFFP in 2023 the maximum capital gains deduction you can claim on line 25400 of your 2023 income
tax and benefit return is the lesser amount of lines 14, 31, and 191. You can, however, choose to claim less than the
  Note 43
  You must also subtract from line 185 above, the amount from the last line you completed of line 38 of Part 3a, line 47 of
Part 3b, line 55 of Part 3c, line 64 of Part 3d, line 72 of Part 3e, line 81 of Part 3f, line 89 of Part 3g, line 98 of Part 3h, line 106
of Part 3i, line 117 of Part 3j, line 127 of Part 3k, line 136 of Part 3l, line 146 of Part 3m, line 155 of Part 3n, line 165 of
Part 3o, line 174 of Part 3p, and line 184 of Part 3q.
  Note 44
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QFFP, QFP, or QXP before 2023, remove that part
from the amount you enter here.
  Note 45
  If line 11 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve(s) from a disposition(s) of QSBCS before 2023, remove that part from the
amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Part 3s – Calculating your capital gains deduction on qualified farm or
  fishing property
  Complete this part only if you meet the following conditions:
  you disposed of qualified farm or fishing property (QFFP) in 2023
  each of lines 14, 31, and 191 are all greater than or equal to the amount on line 187 of Part 3r
  For 2023, there is an additional $14,405 to the capital gains deduction limit that can only be used after your cumulative capital
gains deduction of $485,595 has been used up. This additional amount does not apply to dispositions of qualified small
business corporation shares (QSBCS).
  Maximum capital gains deduction for QFFP disposed of in 2023   192  
  Capital gains deductions from previous years
  (line k of Chart 2 on the last page)   193  
  Capital gains deduction available for QFFP disposed of in 2023 included
in your 2023 income (line 192 minus line 193; if negative, enter "0")
  (see note 46 below)   = 194
  Taxable capital gains arising from dispositions in 2023 of QFFP included in your 2023 income:
  Line 11000 of Schedule 3   +  
  Line 12400 of Schedule 3   +  
  Line 6 of Form T2017. If this amount is negative,
  enter in brackets. (see note 47 below)   +  
  Total (if negative, enter "0")   =   x 1/2   195
  Enter the amount from line 194 or 195, whichever is less.   196
  Enter the amount from line 191 of Part 3r.   + 197
  Line 196 plus line 197. Total amount of capital gains included in your 2023 income that
  is eligible for the capital gains deduction.   = 198
  The maximum capital gains deduction you can claim at line 25400 of your 2023 income tax and benefit return is the lesser
amount of lines 14, 31, and 198. You can, however, choose to claim less than the maximum.
  Note 46
  You must also subtract from line 192 above, the amount from line 191 of Part 3r.
  Note 47
  If line 6 of your Form T2017 includes a reserve from a disposition of QFFP in any year other than 2023, remove that part from
the amount you enter here.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
Chart 1 – Calculating line 26 (net capital losses of other years)
  Column A:
  Enter the total amount of net capital losses from other years claimed for each year indicated amount from line 253 of each
  Column B:
  For 1985, 1986, and 1987, enter 1/2 of the total reserves included in capital gains for capital property disposed of before 1985
(1/2 of those reserves reported on your Schedule 3 for 1985, 1986, and 1987).
For 1988 and 1989, enter 2/3 of the total reserves included in capital gains for capital property disposed of before 1985
(2/3 of the amounts entered on line 395 of Form T2017 for 1988 and 1989).
For 1990 and 1991, enter 3/4 of the total reserves included in capital gains for capital property disposed of before 1985
(3/4 of the amounts entered on line 395 of Form T2017 for 1990 and 1991).
  Column C:
  For 1992, enter the amount from line 127 of your 1992 return or the amount from line (f) in Part A of Form T936 for 1992,
whichever is less.
  For 1993, enter the amount from line 127 of your 1993 return or the amount from line (d) in Chart A of Form T936 for 1993,
whichever is less.
  For 1994, enter the amount from line (p) in Chart B of Form T936 for 1994.
  For 1995, enter the amount from line (m) in Chart B of Form T936 for 1995.
  For 1996 to 1999, enter the total amount from line 17 in Chart A of Form T936 for 1996 to 1999.
  For 2000, enter the amount from line 24 in Chart A of Form T936 for 2000.
  For 2001, enter the total amount from line 17 in Chart A of Form T936 for 2001.
  For 2002 to 2017, enter the amount from line 10 in Chart A of Form T936 for 2002 to 2017.
  For 2018 to 2022, enter the amount from line 9 in Chart A of Form T936 for 2018 to 2022.
  Column D:
  For 1992, enter the amount from line (k) in Part B of Form T936 for 1992.
  For 1993, enter the amount from line (k) in Chart B of Form T936 for 1993.
            E F G  
  Year(s) A B C D (C – D) (B + E) (A – F)  
            If negative, enter "0"   If negative, enter "0"  






  1992   N/A            
  1993   N/A            
  1994   N/A   N/A        
  1995   N/A   N/A        
  2000   N/A   N/A        
  Add the amounts in column G and enter the result on line 26 in Part 2 of this form. Due to space restrictions, some years have
been combined on a single row on this chart. However, to ensure a correct result, complete the calculations separately for
each year that applies to you.
T657 E (23)

Protected B when completed
  Chart 2 – Calculating lines 33, 40, 49, 57, 66, 74, 83, 91, 100, 108, 119, 129, 138,
  148, 157, 167, 176, 186 and 193 (capital gains deductions from
previous years)
  Total capital gains deductions claimed after 1984 and before 1988
  (line 254 of your 1985 to 1987 returns)   a
  Capital gains deductions claimed in 1988 and 1989, excluding eligible capital property
(line 254 of your 1988 and 1989 returns, minus any amounts reported on lines 543 and 544 on
  Schedule 3 for 1988 and 1989. If negative, enter "0")   + b
  Adjustment of 1988 and 1989 capital gains deductions excluding eligible capital property
  (enter 1/4 of amount on line b)   c
  Capital gains deductions claimed in 1988 and 1989 for eligible capital property
(total of lines 254 of your 1988 and 1989 returns, minus the amount on line b above, not to exceed
  the total of lines 543 and 544 on Schedule 3 for 1988 and 1989)   + d
  Adjustment of 1988 and 1989 capital gains deductions for eligible capital property
  (enter 1/3 of amount on line d)   e
  Total capital gains deductions claimed in 1990 to 1999 (line 254 of your returns for these years)   + f
  Adjustment of 1990 to 1999 capital gains deductions (enter 1/3 of amount on line f)   g
  Total capital gains deduction claimed in 2000 (line 254 of your 2000 return)   + h
  Adjustment of 2000 capital gains deduction. Amount from line h x [1 – (1 ÷ (2 x IR))] (see note)   i
  Total capital gains deduction claimed in 2001 to 2022 (line 254 of your 2001 to 2018 tax returns
  and line 25400 of your 2019 and later tax returns)   + j
  Total of lines a to j   = k
  IR represents your inclusion rate for 2000. This rate is on line 16 in Part 4 of Schedule 3 for 2000, or from your notice of
assessment or latest notice of reassessment for 2000.
See the privacy notice on your return.
T657 E (23)