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Canada Revenue
Agence du revenu
du Canada
Protected B when completed
Employee Contributions to a Foreign Pension Plan or Social Security
Arrangement for 2018 – Non-United States Plans or Arrangements
  Complete Part A of this form if you contributed in 2018 to a social security arrangement in any of the following countries:
  Chile Finland Germany Ireland Lithuania Slovenia Switzerland
  Estonia France Greece Latvia Netherlands Sweden
  Complete Part B of this form if you contributed in 2018 to an employer-sponsored pension plan in any of the following countries:
  Chile Estonia Germany Italy Netherlands Sweden Venezuela
  Colombia Finland Greece Latvia Slovenia Switzerland  
  Ecuador France Ireland Lithuania South Africa United Kingdom
  The Canadian Competent Authority has to agree that social security arrangements generally correspond to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and
that foreign pension plans generally correspond to a Canadian registered pension plan (RPP). For more information on eligible social security
arrangements and eligible foreign employer-sponsored pension plans, go to canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-
. For information on how to contact the
Canadian Competent Authority (Legislative Policy Directorate), go to canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/international-non-
  If you participated in your employer's retirement plan in the United States, see Form RC267, Employee Contributions to a United States
Retirement Plan for 2018 – Temporary Assignments
, and Form RC268, Employee Contributions to a United States Retirement Plan
for 2018 – Cross-Border Commuters
  A statement from your employer or the plan administrator will indicate the amount of your contributions. Do not send us this statement, but
keep it in case we ask to see it at a later date.
  Report all amounts in Canadian dollars. To get the average exchange rates, go to bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange.
Part A – Contributions to a social security arrangement
  Complete this part if you made contributions to an eligible social security arrangement. These contributions may be eligible for a 15%
non-refundable tax credit. In addition, you may be able to claim a deduction in Part B for any contributions in excess of those eligible for
the tax credit.
  If all of the following conditions are met, you can proceed with the calculation of the non-refundable tax credit below:
You were participating in the arrangement on a regular basis just before you began performing services in Canada.
The contributions are attributable to services you performed in Canada and were made during the period you performed the services.
The remuneration that you received for those services is taxable in Canada.
The total period during which you made contributions while you were temporarily residing in Canada is no more than 60 months
(48 months for Finland).
The eligible contributions are deductible only in the year in which they were made and only to the extent that they would qualify for tax
relief in your home country if you had been a resident and performed the services in that country.
  Calculating the non-refundable tax credit
  CPP pensionable earnings (box 26 of all your T4 slips)    1
  Earnings for services performed in Canada on which the social security contributions were made 5118 +  2
  Line 1 plus line 2   =  3
  CPP basic exemption    4
  Line 3 minus line 4 (maximum $52,400)   =  5
  Employee CPP contribution rate   x                 4.95%  6
  Multiply line 5 by 4.95% (your CPP contribution limit).   =  7
  Amount of CPP contributions from line 308 of Schedule 1    8
  Line 7 minus line 8   =  9
  Amount contributed to a social security arrangement for earnings reported on line 2 above 5119  10
  Enter the amount from line 9 or line 10, whichever is less. 5120  11
  How to make your claim
  Include the amount from line 11 when you calculate the amount on line 335 of your Schedule 1. If you are completing Schedule 11,
include this amount when you calculate the amount on line 5 of your Schedule 11. Do not include any amount of social security
contributions when you calculate line 308 of Schedule 1.
  On provincial/territorial forms (excluding those for Quebec), include the amount from line 11 when you calculate line 5880 on your
Form 428. If you are completing Schedule S11, also include this amount when you calculate any line where field 5824 forms part of
the calculation. If you performed employment services in Quebec, contact Revenu Québec at revenuquebec.ca/en.
  If the amount you entered on line 10 is more than the amount you entered on line 11, you may choose to complete Part B.
RC269 E (18) (Ce formulaire est disponible en français.)