Quick edit form(mobile version) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Protected B when completed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Step 4 – Taxable income | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Enter the amount from line 58 of the previous page. | 59 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian Armed Forces personnel and police deduction | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(box 43 of all T4 slips) | 24400 | 60 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Security options deductions (boxes 39, 41, 91, and 92 of all T4 slips or see Form T1212) | 24900 | + | 61 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Additional security options deduction (use Federal Worksheet) | 24901 | + | 62 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other payments deduction (enter the amount from line 14700 if you did | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
not enter an amount on line 14600; otherwise, use Federal Worksheet) | 25000 | + | 63 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Limited partnership losses of other years | 25100 | + | 64 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Non-capital losses of other years | 25200 | + | 65 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Net capital losses of other years | 25300 | + | 66 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Capital gains deduction for qualifying business transfer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(complete Form T2048) | 25395 | + | 67 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Capital gains deduction (complete Form T657) | 25400 | + | 68 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Northern residents deductions (complete Form T2222) | 25500 | + | 69 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Additional deductions (specify): | 25600 | + | 70 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Add lines 60 to 70. | 25700 | = | ► | – | 71 | |||||||||||||||||||
Line 59 minus line 71 (if negative, show in brackets) | = | 72 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Capital gains reduction add-back (complete Schedule 3) | 25999 | + | 73 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Line 72 plus line 73 (if negative, enter "0") | Taxable income | 26000 | = | 74 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Step 5 – Federal tax | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Part A – Federal tax on taxable income | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Use the amount from line 26000 to complete the appropriate column below. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Line 26000 is more | Line 26000 is more | Line 26000 is more | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Line 26000 is | than $55,867 but not | than $111,733 but not | than $173,205 but not | Line 26000 is more | ||||||||||||||||||||
$55,867 or less | more than $111,733 | more than $173,205 | more than $246,752 | than $246,752 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Amount from line 26000 | 75 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Line 75 minus line 76 | – | – | – | – | – | 76 | ||||||||||||||||||
(cannot be negative) | = | = | = | = | = | 77 | ||||||||||||||||||
Line 77 multiplied by the | x 15% | x 20.5% | x 26% | x 29% | x 33% | 78 | ||||||||||||||||||
percentage from line 78 | = | = | = | = | = | 79 | ||||||||||||||||||
Line 79 plus line 80 | + | + | + | + | + | 80 | ||||||||||||||||||
Federal tax on | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
taxable income | = | = | = | = | = | 81 | ||||||||||||||||||
Enter the amount from line 81 on line 124 and continue at line 82. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Part B – Federal non-refundable tax credits | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Basic personal amount: If the amount on line 23600 is $173,205 or less, enter $15,705. If the amount on line 23600 is $246,752 or more, enter $14,156. |
Otherwise, use the Federal Worksheet to calculate the amount to enter. | (maximum $15,705) | 30000 | 82 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Age amount (if you were born in 1959 or earlier) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(use Federal Worksheet) | (maximum $8,790) | 30100 | + | 83 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Spouse or common-law partner amount (complete Schedule 5) | 30300 | + | 84 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Amount for an eligible dependant (complete Schedule 5) | 30400 | + | 85 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Canada caregiver amount for spouse or common-law partner, or eligible dependant age 18 or older | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
(complete Schedule 5) | 30425 | + | 86 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Canada caregiver amount for other infirm dependants age 18 or older (complete Schedule 5) | 30450 | + | 87 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Canada caregiver amount for infirm children under 18 years of age (see Schedule 5) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Number of children you are claiming this amount for | 30499 | x $2,616 = | 30500 | + | 88 | |||||||||||||||||||
Add lines 82 to 88. | = | 89 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
5006-R E (24) | Please specify details for field 25100: |
Please specify details for field 25200: |
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